If the adage: charity begins at home is anything to go by, then allow me to say the 3-day Youth Boot Camp, which occurred between 15th and 17th Dec., 2023, was a testament to action packed events brought home.
What an interactive session that was! The inaugural Youth Booth Camp at Nyang’oma Chief’s Camp attracted a total of 200 high schoolers, representing Sub-County, County, Extra County & National Schools.
Indeed, the youths were reminded to nurture positive attitude as a gesture that underpins whatever activity one does.
Groups adopted family system with selected mentors, steering discussions during breakouts. Each family system had between 20-28. These are the family system as adopted:
- Victors
- Titans
- Falcons
- One vision
- Change makers
- Elites
On the last day, the curtain fell on the final session that began with spiritual nourishment delivered by Pst. Ezekiel Obala. That aside, for those still pondering about the outfit’s objective(s). Drumroll please…it is an apolitical outfit! Hardly any brain behind EAAL Foundation is interested to pursue an elective post in a political mien, least of all the chief organizer(s). However, this does not erase any empowerment approaches that could be accorded to its partners, friends or networks with interests in vying for political posts, if any.
By Edwin Wachie,
Advisor, EAAL Foundation & Chair, Ang’ogo Caucus
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